Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Christmas

Happppppeeee xmasssss. Hope God's Love stay with us from now and to forever. Amen.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


What's that?
Well, i'll tell you what. If Harry and the gank had their NEWT level, i faced NEMT today. Nastilly Exhausting Macroeconomics Test. So i had two final tests in two days. And today it's theory time! How can i understand those theories just in one single night? Luckilly, i read the right theories so i can at least have 60 for the result. 3 more to go! HELP!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I'm in MM right now. I know, lame isn't it guys? i walked my way here juz to get a better internet connection. I have to send y paper to my dosen. And trust me, he's not my favorite!

And i'm waiting for Eventus right now, he needs someone to talk to i think. Ehehehe. Nothin much to say except that i'm craving to go to Bandung A.S.A.P that i miss the town and i miss someone who lives there. Ehehe. So how u guys been doing? How's the weekend?

ps. Tere, how could you reject my invitation? U're so mean honey.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Mission Accomplished

On of my lovely friends, Mei-mei, send a challenge for me. So, here u go honey.

Let's make it in Bahasa for simplicity.

Lima kejadian memalukan gue adalah:

1. Teman2 SMA tercinta gue tau tentang ini. I was in high school kelas tiga waktu itu. Dan gue baru aja jadian for the first time in my life. Have i mention kalo orang ini nggak banget? Oh well, jadi one day dia ngeluh karena ga punya handphone. Sejak pertama kenal juga gue sama dia telpon2an pake telpon rumah, berhubung waktu itu handphone belom sepopuler sekarang di bekasi ya. Hehe. Singkat cerita dia mintain gue beli tu barang. Gue nawar, boleh gak kalo beli nya Motorola T 190 aja. Lumayan murah tu udah waktu itu. About 250 ribu rupiah. Tapi dia bilang 'no fudge way, mau nya Nokia 3310'. Harga nya 500 ribu.
Sebagai anak SMA, harga segitu kan parah2an lho ngumpulinnya. Di Bekasi pula SMA nya. Ada yang inget gak sih gue SMA dimana? Gue lupA! Gue harus putar otak gimana ya caranya. Di mana ada kemaluan-oopSS maksud gue kemauan-disitu ada jalan. Jadi gue bener2 irit uang jajan sampe seirit2nya. GAk makan di sekolah, itu strategi terbaik. Tapi laper bu! Bingung kan gue. Hold on, gue kan punya teman2 baik itu. Tere, Mei, Dahlia dan Dee2. Ya udah selama sebulan kerjaan gue kalo istirahat ngabsenin makanan mereka satu-satu. Secuil dari Tere, sesuap dari Mei, seicip dari dahlia dan seseruput dari Dee2. Haaaah, kenyaaang! Hahaha.
Setelah gue pikir2, gak guna juga gue pontang panting kayak gembel and nyusahin temen2 gue itu. Why? Karena beberapa minggu setelah gue beliin handphone, I felt enough with that bitch jadi gue putusin. Actually gak ada kata putus siyh, yang terjadi gue nggak kontak2 dia lagi (yang mana kalo gue gak nghubungin, dia ga mulai nghubungin duluan). Gue dah bilang belom si kalo dia nggak banget?? Maaf teman2 ku sayang, mnyusahkan selama sebulan. hehe. Love u guys!.

2. Beberapa minggu yang lalu gue baru pulang dari kos temen gue. It was about 9 PM, malem2. Gue mau balik ke kos. Jadi dengan senang hati gue turun dari angkot di seberang ERA fotokopi digital Depok (Iklan niyh!tolong bayar royalti!) karena kosan gue kan di belakang ERA.
FYI, Depok di kala malam tu jalanannya gila, padet nan pidit dan gak ada pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang bermoral seperti pengendara kuda itu mau berhenti kalo ada orang mau nyeberang. JAdi celingak-celinguk lah gue nunggu tu setan2 lewat.
Selagi gue celingak celinguk, di sudut mata gue keliatan seorang pria yang lagi berjalan. Mungkin kosannya di gang yang gue berdiri di depan nya. Umurnya 20 an something juga koq. Ya udah, gue cuek-cuek aja kan. I juz need to get some rest that night.
With all of the sudden, gue denger 'pssst'! Boy, He checked on me for God sake! Karena kaget, gue liat ke arah dia kan? Dan dia dengan senang hati tetep ngliatin gue sambil jalan. So i did him or what? Haha. Pertanyaan gue, ngondek apa gw c? HELP!

3. Jadi waktu gue kecil tuh rumah gue sebelahan sama sepupu gue yang seumuran juga. Tesa namanya (what's up, Cha?^^). Kita sering main and the gank deh pokoknya. Karena sering main di panas2, biasanya anak kecil nyari yang adem2 kan. Jadi gue sering abis main langsung cuci muka..Pshhhhh, adem seketika bu! Hehe.
Until one day, bokap gue heran kenapa muka gue banyak bercak-bercak putih nya. Dan dengan senang hati dia bilang-I know he's obviously wrong-kalo itu panu. Ya namanya anak kecil, keesokan hari nya gue main lagi kan sama si Tesa. Dan dengan riang gembira juga karena tahu dia gak bakal punya something yang gue miliki saat itu, gue bilang "Aku punya panu donk!" Sampe saat ini, kejadian itu jadi classic story nya bokap gue kalo lagi ngumpul rame-rame. Darn, Gue tahu itu bukan panu Pa. Hik. And i assure you that sekarang gak ada lagi bercak-bercak putih di muka gue!

4. One day ada kelas Kimia di sekolah gue. And it's time buat pergi ke laboratorium. FYI, sekolah gue yang gue lupa dimana itu, laboratorium nya saat itu masih jadul girrrrang! Penuh benda dan cairan-cairan yang berbahaya buat jiwa dan kejantanan lw kayaknya. Hahaha. Lakmus merah? Checked! Lakmus biru? Checked! Kecerobohan? Checked! Oke, semua dah siap. mari kita ngelab! Dimuali dengan ngetes cairan asam dan basa yang bisa di periksa pake kertas lakmus. Sumpah sampe sekarang gue gak pernah tau apa yang membirukan yang mana, dan apa yang memerahkan yang mana. Yang gue tahu, tu kertas lakmus jadi BASAH pak!
Saat nya yang cukup menyenangkan. Bakar-bakaran! Hehe. Oke percobaan pertama berhasil. Yang perlu dimatikan adalah pembakarnya. Karena cewek temen kelompok gue takut, jadi gue yang matiin dengan nutup sumbu atasnya pake sejenis cup kecil. Berhasil!!! Yang kedua dah selesai juga, saatnya gue menutup api lagi. Cup dilemparkan dan....BYARRRRR, tumpah! bahan bakar keluar dari tempatnya, dan api menyambar dan GOOOOL. Panik! Pak guru berlari, murid mengipas2. Dan, perlajaran laboratorium selesai. Kelas kami gak pernah main bakar-bakaran lagi setelah nya.

5. Gue kuliah semester 4 an di kampus gue dulu. Dan dengan segala hormat gue benci banget disuruh pake sepatu ke kampus. Gerah tauk! Jadi nyendal lah gue dengan sendal kesayangan gue. karena kelas dibatalin, gue duduk-duduk di depan kelas nya temen gue. ngobrol ngalor kidul, sampe gue liat disamping gue berdiri sesosok bapak-bapak. The thing is, banyak orang-orang tua yang suka nyasar kalo ke FE gak tahu kenapa. Sebagai generasi muda yang lagi mood nya baik dan mau membantu, gue memasang muka paling manis dan senyum paling charming dan bertanya "Ada apa, Pak?" Sesosok itu berambut putih dan pake kemeja rapih. Agak mirip bokap lw Mei, tapi gue yakin bokap lo gak bakal dengan kejam nanya ke gue "Ke kampus koq pakai sendal?" Di depan temen-temen gue pula. Mereka cekakakan aja di belakang gue sedang gue dengan muka bodoh mengubah senyum charming gue ke senyum kecut. Rupanya itu dosen kelas lain yang dengan menyesal gue duduk di depan kelasnya. Apa hak lo nglarang gue pake sendal bos? Kecuali kalo gue sambit sendlanya ke kepala lo. Dosen gue juga bukan!

Itu 5 yang cukup buruk menurut gue. Gimana menurut lo?:)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Have No Idea

A letter to my lovely friend.

'Dear Mei,

I'm sorry that i havent got any idea yet for your challenge. Will post what you want later on. ^^'

New Address

Had just changed my address to

Nothin really special about this name, just wanna make sure y'all guys know what to expect when u you open the blog. Hehe.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I went to campus today and got to the toilet in building A of FEUI to check my appearance since it was a hot day (but i'm, pretty sure it'll rain soon.Darn!) So i got to the cubicle and you know what, someone didn't flush after he pumped the urine out of his dick for God's sake!

I dunno bout you but for me that's exactly the reflection od men in Indonesia. It's hard for them to do little simple thing that leads them to a bigger bad things that they ignore. W'ell, i'm(unluckily)Indonesia boy(man) but i'm pretty sure i won't let any anonymous boy who use the cubicle after me see what my urine color is!Jesus!

Anyway, things bout the toilets in FEUI is that there are no seating closets and to make it even worse there're NO-not even a single bar of-SOAP! How in the name of Harold and Kumar can i wash my hand after i douche??!!

To compare the situation with the girls, they're so lucky that there are a few seating closets in their cubicles. What's this? A new kind of discrimination? Hello! Not all of males are barbarian, honey!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wasted Weekend

what a bad weekend.

got to one of my friend's boarding house and hangout there all day long. watched movies n wasting those low quality to make it better it's raining! geezz, come on people i know i hate rainy days especially when i have no one to hug! sweet Christ. And there's NO ANY reason i will hug my friend. He's not my type anyway. Ehehe.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Lesson of The Day

Alright folks, here i am a few hours after my first post. quite full after dinner in spidey. luv that food!Hehe. Unimportant information actually. Anyway, i started the class well in business math, UNTIL the witch came. Hahaha. Yup, it's Amiey. My lovely bunny Amiey.

Grumpy faced and all i gotta do is be QUIET. Coz it means i did a bloody wrong things or sumone else steppin on her foot-litterally or not. I consider it was the first. Off we go to the second class, cost acct. grumpy faced she was, still. I'm tellin you, it was worse than bad-hair-day-bellatrix lestrange. Oh well, at least i got a good score on the class' quiz, it wasn't a bad session tough, hope to get A on the class. *yeah, u wish joe*

On our way home, she told me the problem. Not me, Not Hernawan, not her Grans but her stomach which has already stuck for a couple of days. Haha. Sorry dear i dun mean to laugh at you but thanx to you we've got our lesson for today; eat lots of fruit people! lolz.

Getting Jiggy With Me!..

Hey, it's my first blog post here. I had a blog centuries ago, but it's not working. So let's try this one. At least my friends know this one. Eheh. Well, got a class in half an hour, so see u soon honey. ^^